How to remove shortcut arrows on any Windows 10 Machine - Desktop Icons.

In case if you don’t know how to open it - follow the instructions below:

Windows key +R to open Run and search up for “Regedit

Copy - Paste the below address in the search bar of Registry Editor:

  1. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer 

Now, Right-click on Explorer folder and create a New>Key and name it as Shell Icons

Then hit okay, and select Shell Icons folder and Right-click, create New>String Value rename it as 29 and hit okay.

Open up the String value (which you named as 29) and Copy-Paste the below Value data:

  1. %windir%System32\shell32.dll,-50 

Once you’re done with that - you’re good to go.

Open Windows Explorer and keep it aside

and then the final step - Open up task manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL)

select Windows Explorer and hit restart - BOOM your shortcut Icons will now disappear.

For queries dm me on Insta: Mohith Chowdary


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