
Showing posts from April, 2018

How to install Kali Nethunter on android using termux?

Kali Nethunter The Kali Linux  NetHunter project  is the first Open Source Android penetration testing platform for Nexus devices, created as a joint effort between the Kali community member “ BinkyBear ” and Offensive Security.  NetHunter supports Wireless 802.11 frame injection, one-click MANA Evil Access Point setups, HID keyboard ( Teensy like attacks), as well as  BadUSB  MITM attacks  – and is built upon the sturdy shoulders of the Kali Linux distribution and toolsets. To install Kali Nethunter on your Android device using termux fallow the instructions carefully. 1.Install the wget package by typing this command • pkg install wget 2.Now type this command to download the script from the server • wget 3.It's time to run the script.Type this command to run and install Kali Nethunter on your device • bash kalinethunter This will start you...

How to install Metasploit-framework on any Android Device using Termux?

Start Exploiting Today!      Free Penetration Testing Tool.  Test your defenses with the world's leading penetration testing tool. Attackers are constantly creating new exploits and attack methods—Rapid7's penetration testing tool, Metasploit , lets you use their own weapons against them. Metasploit-framework is a exploiting tool that allows you to hack Android & Windows devices via applications by creating payloads.This framework has many insane features that allows you to capture all the required data from the victims device. Before Installing metasploit-framework on your device.I recommend clearing all your app data from the settings menu (settings>Apps>Termux>clear data) To install Metasploit-framework on your device,fallow the instructions carefully. 1.Open Termux app 2.Type this command to give storage permissions. • termux-setup-storage [click on Allow if you don't get any option. don't worry you can do it manually from your...

How to install Ubuntu on any Android device using Termux?

Ubuntu for Android Ubuntu is an open source software system operating system that runs from the desktop/linux, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things. To install Ubuntu on your Android device.Fallow the instructions carefully. 1.Open Termux App 2. Update your termux by using this command  • apt update && apt upgrade 3.Now,Install git package by typing this command • pkg install git 4.Now,Install proot package by using this command • pkg install proot 5.Type this command to install wget package • apt install wget 6.Now clone Ubuntu by just typing this command • git clone 7. Move into termux-ubuntu folder (directory) • cd termux-ubuntu 8. Give the permissions by just typing  • chmod +x 9. Now type this command to install Ubuntu  • ./ This will start your installion process.It may take upto 10-15 min depending upon your internet speed.(wait for the prompt symbole $)...

How to install IpGeolocation on any Android device using Termux?

Trace Now A tool to retrieve IP Geolocation information IpGeolocation allows you to trace out the exact location of the victim using your android device.All you need is the viticims IP-address or The Domain's url. Fallow the instructions carefully 1.Open Termux app 2. Type this command • apt update && apt upgrade 3.Now type • pkg install git 4 .Then type • git clone 5.Now move to directory • cd IPGeoLocation 6.To give permissions type this command • chmod +x 7.To install python type • pkg install python 8.Type • pip3 install -r requirements.txt 9.Now you use IpGeolocation to trace the location of your victim by just typing  • python -t (victim IP/URL) Thanks to the developer Maldevel.! Please let me know in the comments section below if you facing any problem regarding IpGeolocation.